Starting a new year in a lockdown was not something I had ever imagined but, lo and behold, here we are.

Despite having travelled extensively, the global travel restrictions in place, although necessary, have been very difficult for me to deal with. These days all I can think of, is the countries that I haven't yet been to and can't wait to explore. #BucketList
1. Tanzania 🇹🇿
I love travelling through Africa and Tanzania just seems like it has amazing scenery that I must experience first hand.

2. Colombia 🇨🇴
I confess that Colombia wasn't on my radar until I watched Narcos 🙈. There's a scene in season 3 where Pacho from the Cali Cartel goes out dancing and something about the culture now intrigues me. And no, it's nothing related to drugs 😒.

3. Iceland 🇮🇸
Iceland is famous for its hot springs and the Northern lights but, did you know that in summer Iceland has 24hrs of light, while in winter it has 24hrs of darkness? How cool is that?! Me being me, I plan to visit twice to experience both.

4. Lebanon 🇱🇧
The Bible speaks a lot about how abundant and amazing this country is, and the Lebanese people I have met and worked with all seem to agree. I can't wait to experience it for myself.

5. Bahrain 🇧🇭
One of my really good friends is from here and she's told me so much about it that I can't wait to visit her in her motherland. 😊

What countries are on your travel wish list? Comment the "where" and "why" below so we can exchange notes, your travel wish list can never be too long. 😉🌍